What is the process for replacing a card when a cardholder’s mobile device is lost, stolen, broken, upgraded or replaced, or factory reset?
For cards to be moved from a previous device to a new device (for information on transferring cards, see our articles about how to transfer a digital card to a different device OR how to transfer a plastic card to Google Wallet), the user must follow a series of verification steps in the Google Wallet application that requires the user to confirm their phone and phone model on the current device, and keep the previous device connected to the internet.
- If the user has kept the previous device, they can deactivate the card on the old phone and move it to the new device (this will typically not work for lost, stolen, or broken phones since the old phone is rarely in the user’s possession)
- If any of the following circumstances apply, the user’s digital card cannot be recovered:
a. When mobile devices are lost or stolen
b. If a device is broken beyond functioning and the device cannot be refurbished or restored
c. If a user trades in their device as part of an upgrade or replacement and the old phone is not in the user’s possession.
d. If a phone is factory reset before any cards on the account can be deactivated or deleted.
HELPFUL HINT: If you know your device is going to be factory reset, deactivate your ORCA card in Google Wallet beforehand. It will be easier to restore your deactivated card than issue a new one.
3. In all the situations above,
a. The user or organization that owns the digital card will need to issue the user a new physical card.
b. If the cardholder has E-purse or passes (e.g. WSF), please contact ORCA. An appropriate representative will transfer the funds to the new card issued in step 3.a
- For Businesses, please contact your ORCA Business Account representative.
- For individuals, please call us at 888-988-6722 / TTY Relay: 711 or fill out our online case form.
c. The user or organization that owns the old digital card should request that it be closed.
4. In situations listed in 2., a card can be restored if it was deleted beforehand. Follow the steps below to remove a card from your Google Wallet:
Select the three dots on the upper right-hand side of the Wallet’s card page
Select the “Delete card” button
Select the “Delete” button
Confirm “Delete” for the 3rd time
Note: a card can only be restored if it is tied to your myORCA.com account. If you delete your card before creating an account, make sure to write down your 19-digit card number and 3-digit security code listed in step d beforehand. If you do not record your card number, contact ORCA customer service at 888-988-6722 / TTY: 711 for further assistance in finding your card number. Please see instructions below on how add your card back to the Wallet after it has been deleted.
Note: Users with an Android device who wish to switch to a different mobile operating system will need to be issued a plastic card.
5. To add your card back to Google Wallet after it has been deleted you must:
a. Open myorca.com in your device’s mobile browser. Note: this will not work if you open myorca.com on a desktop or laptop computer. This will not work if you open myorca.com on a mobile device that does not have Google Wallet installed.
b. Open a myorca.com account if you do not already have one, or log into your existing account. You can learn about opening an account by visiting Managing your ORCA card(s) at myORCA.com – The ORCA Card
c. Scroll down your “Manage Cards” page until you find your digital card. If a button “Add to Google Wallet” appears you can add your deleted card back.