Adding products to ORCA cards (Business Accounts)
How do I avoid ordering cards with no passes or funds added?
To purchase ORCA cards for your business with passes or products, follow these steps on the new website:
- Login to your business account on
- From the top menu, select "Cards" then "Purchase Cards"
- Find the card type you want to purchase, enter the quantity of cards you wish to purchase and the access level for the card.
- Next, click "Add Money/Pass" and select the amount of money and/or which pass you wish to load to the cards. NOTE: It is important that you do this before you click "Add To Cart." If you do not add products to the cards they will have no value on them.
- Finally, click "Add To Cart" and complete your purchase.
Can you add E-Purse value and passes at the same time?
Yes, when you click "Add Money/Pass" in the card ordering process described above, you will be given the option to add money and passes to the cards you purchase at the same time.
How quickly will passes, products and E-purse (money) be loaded onto ORCA cards?
With the new ORCA system, all products and E-purse value will load immediately upon purchase. Cards will no longer need to be tapped within 60 days to activate or view balance online. The balance will automatically update on the website.
Is there a monthly deadline for pass purchases? Is there any prorated pricing?
Passes valid for the current month are available for purchase from the first day of the prior month through the 14th day of the current month. There is no prorated pricing.
Can businesses set up autoloads for money and passes on their ORCA cards?
Yes, businesses can set up an autoload for both monthly passes and E-purse (money). To set up autoload for passes, the pass will need to be purchased one time. Once it is purchased, autoload options for the pass will become available.
Will there still be an option to purchase ferry passes?
Yes, ferry passes can still be purchased. Similar to all other passes, they will now load onto ORCA cards in real time, without the overnight delay experienced in the past.
What is the maximum amount of E-purse balance on an ORCA card?
The maximum balance for E-purse is $400. Orders that add value exceeding this balance will not be processed.
Can businesses block their card holders from adding funds to their E-purse or other products in the new ORCA system?
No, you will not be able to stop or limit value adds from the card holder. Be sure to check card balances from time to time for value adds in addition to the ones you order.