Buying and reloading ORCA cards at Albertsons


Where can I find an Albertsons location? 

You can find all of our ORCA retail locations with our Where to buy map

What ORCA cards does Albertsons sell? 

Before October 2022, this store will sell classic blue adult ORCA cards (pictured below) for $3 at the customer service counter.

After October 2022, this store will sell redesigned black adult ORCA cards (pictured below) for $3 at the customer service counter. New cards require a minimum $5 value load for a total cost of $8.

Watch this video to learn more about buying and reloading ORCA cards at Albertsons (2:42)

What cards does Albertsons reload? 

Before September 2022, this store will reload money on classic blue adult, senior, youth, disabled and ORCA LIFT cards (pictured below) at the customer service counter.

From September through November 2022, this store will reload money on both classic blue and redesigned black cards at the customer service counter. All classic card types, including adult, senior, disabled and ORCA LIFT cards can be loaded at the customer service counter. New redesigned cards can be reloaded in checkout lanes.

After November 2022, this store will reload money on redesigned black and RRFP cards (pictured below) only. All card types, including adult, senior, youth, disabled and ORCA LIFT cards can be loaded in checkout lanes.

Watch this video to learn more about buying and reloading ORCA cards at Albertsons (2:42)
