Buying and reloading ORCA cards at Fred Meyer
Where can I find a Fred Meyer location?
You can find all of our ORCA retail locations with our Where to buy map.
What ORCA cards does Fred Meyer sell?
Starting in October 2022, this store will sell redesigned black adult ORCA cards (pictured below) for $3 at the customer service counter. New cards require a minimum $5 value load for a total cost of $8.
Watch this video to learn more about buying and reloading ORCA cards at Fred Meyer (2:21).
What ORCA cards does Fred Meyer reload?
Starting in October 2022, this store will reload money on both classic blue and redesigned black cards (pictured below). All card types, including adult, senior, disabled and ORCA LIFT cards can be loaded at the customer service counter.
Watch this video to learn more about buying and reloading ORCA cards at QFC (2:21).
How can I convert money loaded at a store to a pass or product?
Visit or use the myORCA app to convert money into passes or products on any card, any time. Customers can also buy passes by visiting a vending machine or calling or visiting a customer service location during business hours. Find a location at here.
Where can I get a new or replacement Disabled, Senior, Youth or LIFT card?
Stores do not sell new or replacement senior, youth, disabled or ORCA LIFT cards. You can get one of these cards online at or at a customer service location. Find a location at here.