What's new at ORCA retail stores starting in Fall 2022?


What improvements and changes are coming to ORCA at retail stores in Fall 2022? 

Over the next few years, we’re adding more ORCA retail locations to communities across the Puget Sound and including more locally owned businesses. To make this happen, you’ll notice some changes at retail stores starting October 2022. Read what's in store for retail to find out more about our retail expansion program. 

Depending on where you shop, you can keep using your existing ORCA card, or you may need get a new one. Watch this video to get an overview of what you need to know: Changes to ORCA at retail stores (3:00).

Do I need a new ORCA card if I already have one? 

Retail customers who reload their cards at Safeway and Albertsons will need to replace their card before December 2022. Read more about transitioning from a classic ORCA card to a new ORCA card.

You can keep reloading your classic card at QFC and new Fred Meyer locations, you do not need a new card at these stores. 

If you don't use retail stores, you don't need a new replacement card, the classic blue and RRFP cards will continue to work everywhere else. 

For more information about how to use classic and new cards in our expanded retail network, visit our informational website about the expanded ORCA retail network


Where can I find the most up to date information on where to by an ORCA card in person? 

You can find a retail store, vending machine or transit customer service location on our searchable Where to buy map. This is the best place to get up-to-date information about new ORCA locations as we add them to our retail store network. 

What other options do I have for buying and reloading ORCA cards? 

The new ORCA system gives you more ways to buy and reload ORCA cards in real-time, including our new website myORCA.com, the myORCA app for Android devices, the myORCA app for Apple devices, at a vending machine, by calling ORCA customer support at (888) 988-6722 or visiting one of our transit agency customer service locations.

How do I buy a pass with E-purse funds (money) loaded at a retail store? 

You can convert funds into passes and products at myORCA.com, with the myORCA app, at a vending machine or by calling or visiting a customer service location. 

Why are you making changes to the ORCA retail network? 

We are making these changes so we can increase the number and types of stores that sell ORCA cards. As the ORCA retail network grows in the next few years you can find more locations closer to where you live, work and ride transit. 

When will you be adding new stores to the ORCA retail network? 

Fred Meyer will be the first new store chain added to our existing locations starting in October 2022. We will continue to add more store chains and locally owned businesses throughout 2023 and beyond. 

Will existing stores continue to sell ORCA cards? 

Yes, most existing stores including all currently participating QFC, Safeway and Albertsons stores will continue selling cards. Saar's stores will no longer sell ORCA cards after September 2022. 

When and where will new cards be available to the public? 

Roll out of the new cards will start in most locations by the beginning of October 2022. Sign up for our newsletter at info.myORCA.com or follow @TheORCACard on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to get the latest updates. 

I got my card from a school or employer, how do I get a new card? 

Contact your school or employer, they will be managing card replacements for your organization. 
