ORCA Google Pay Business Account User Guide


This user guide will help you get familiar with how to manage digital ORCA cards on your account. Below we show you how you can manage digital cards, filter by card types, and how to navigate the new reporting features. For more detailed information visit our FAQ.


How to view ORCA cards that have been added to Google Wallet on your myORCA.com Business Account

Helpful tips for getting started:

For information on how your organization can enable digital card conversion for your staff, visit the “What does your business need to do to opt into this optional feature?” section in our “ORCA on Google Pay Overview” article.

  1. Sign in to your myORCA.com business account
  2. On the Manage cards page, you will see two new columns on the screen, Card type and Replaced Card.
  3. The card type column indicates whether the card in the list is a Physical card or a Digital card in Google Wallet, (listed as “In wallet”).
  4. The replaced card # column will show the old plastic card number that was replaced by the new digital card for your reference. Please keep in mind that once converted to a digital card, the plastic card in the “replaced card #” column will no longer work and cannot be reissued. To learn more, visit our article "How to transfer a plastic ORCA Card to your Google Wallet"
  5. There will still be a line item for the old plastic card in the list. The entry will show the old card number, and its status will show that it was Replaced (by the cardholder with a new digital card in Google Wallet).

Helpful tip: We recommend retaining the line items for old plastic card numbers that have been converted to Google Wallet. They provide a reference in the myORCA system between the two card numbers. This can be helpful information for providing support to your cardholders and can also help reduce errors on bulk actions.




Managing individual ORCA cards that have been added to Google Wallet

  1. On your Manage Cards page, check the box next to the card number you wish to manage
  2. Click Manage.
  3. The card management window will appear. In this window, you will see that the card has been added to Google Wallet by the cardholder. All other card management options and functionality are the same for digital cards as they are for plastic cards.
  4. Note, if you open the manage window when selecting the old plastic card that was replaced, you will see a message indicating the card has been replaced with the new card number.



Filtering the Card List by Card Type

  1. To see a list of cards that have been added to Google Wallet by cardholders, select Card type from the first drop-down list on the filter and search menu.
  2. In the second drop-down list, select In Wallet.
  3. Click the magnifying glass to search.
  4. The results will generate a list of cards that have been added to Google Wallet.
  5. The "Card Type" column header itself can be sorted like an Excel header.



Searching for cards that have been added to Google Wallet with the old plastic card number.

Helpful tips for getting started:

  • You can find the new card number for a card that has been added to Google Wallet using the old plastic card number from the card you issued to the cardholder.
  • This is helpful when you only have the original plastic card number that you issued, and the cardholder has converted it to a digital card in Google Wallet.
  • If you have the new card number, simply use the Card number search in the “Filter and Search by” drop-down for both plastic and in-wallet cards.
  1. In the manage card screen, select “Replaced card number” from the "Filter and Search by” by drop-down menu.
  2. Enter the plastic card number you want to search for in the search term field.
  3. Click the magnifying glass to search.


4. The results will show the card account with both the new card number shown in the Card # column and the old card number shown in the Replaced card # column.



Using bulk actions to download reports with new digital card numbers and conversion date and time.

  1. In the Manage card page, from the BULK EXPORT drop down choose “All” to download all cards (or, if you use groups, you can choose a group name to download).
  2. Click the download button to run the report.
  3. A pop-up will appear to confirm the bulk card export is processing. Click “Bulk actions overview” button to go to the Bulk actions page. 
  4. If your job is present in the “Current processes” section, select the cycle button to refresh its status.
  5. Once the job has moved to the Past processes section, find your Bulk process and click the light blue arrow next to the job name.
  6. Within the dropdown menu, click Results to download your report in .csv format.
  7. When you open the file, you will see three columns that provide information about cards that have been converted: ReplacedCardPrintedNumber which is the old plastic card number, PrintedNumber, and ReplacementDate




Using bulk action files with physical card numbers that have been replaced by a new digital card number in Google Wallet. The bulk action below are to Add money and/or passes.

  1. Click on the Bulk actions button on the top navigation. Choose the appropriate job.
  2. Be sure that “Upload a file” is selected
  3. Click “Choose a file”
  4. Select the file to upload from your computer
  5. Click upload
  6. You will receive a confirmation that your file was uploaded successfully. If you encounter any issues, make sure to visit Bulk actions tips and tricks | ORCA (myorca.com)
  7. Click the relevant button in the “Submit the bulk action” step.
  8. If applicable, click Checkout
  9. If applicable, in the shopping cart, select your payment method and click Place order
  10. Return to the Bulk actions screen and click refresh on the Current processes bar
  11. When your process is finished, it will appear in the past processes window.
  12. Download and open the results file.
  13. In the error message column, you will see a message indicating that the order has been processed on two cards that have been converted to digital (rows 4 and 12 in this example). The message will include the old card number, the new digital card number and the date and time of replacement.

NOTE: Although this field is called error message, the order has been processed successfully. 











