Bulk actions tips and tricks (Business Accounts)
Bulk actions tips and tricks
The Bulk Action Page has 14 different options; Add Participants, Update Participants, Delete Participants, Lock Cards, Unlock Cards, Add Cards, Remove Cards, Add Money and/or Passes, Add Autoloads, Remove Autoloads, Suspend Autoloads, Remove Autoload Suspensions, Add Participants to a Group, Remove Participants from a Group, and Add Cards to Participants.
To perform any of the actions above, click the button and you will be directed to a page where you can select a CSV file to upload. Once you click upload, the file will be scanned to ensure the format is correct and that all mandatory fields are populated. If the format is correct, a table will display with all of the information from the sheet. You can then click the “submit for processing” button.
You will then be directed back to the main bulk action page. Here you will see 2 tables; current processes and past processes. Once you submit a bulk action it will go to the current processes table. The status will be “ready.” You can then reload the current process table by clicking the refresh button. The most recent action should then be removed from the current processes table and will be moved to the past processes table. The status will either be failed or finished.
Add participants
The add participants bulk action allows you to add multiple participants at a time. Below is the name of the fields that are used:
The above text should be pasted in field A1 of the CSV document. The bold text indicates required fields. When filling out the CSV, you will need a semicolon (;) or comma (,) between each field. If you are skipping an optional field, simply add the semicolon but don’t add any text.
Update participants
Update participants uses the same CSV format as add participant. Update participant allows you to change the information on several participants with 1 upload. The only thing that needs to match is the participant’s Identifier, all other fields can be changed. This means the identifiers in the csv should match the identifiers of existing participants. Anything on the CSV that is different from the saved participant information will be updated once bulk update participants is complete.
Delete participants
The only required field to delete a participant is the participant's Identifier.
Lock cards
You can either upload a CSV or choose a group to lock cards. Lock cards allows you to lock cards on the manage cards page. The only required field to lock cards is the PrintedCardNumber.
The above text should be pasted in field A1 of the CSV document.
Once the process is complete, you can navigate to the manage cards page, and all the cards from the CSV should be locked.
Unlock cards
You can either upload a CSV or choose a group to unlock cards. Unlock cards uses the same CSV format as lock cards. This means only aPrintedCardNumberis required. Performing this bulk action will unlock all cards contained in the CSV. Once the process is complete, you can navigate to the manage cards page, and all the cards from the CSV should be unlocked.
Add money and/or passes.
You can either upload a CSV or choose a group to add money and/or passes. Add money and/or passes uses the same CSV format as lock cards and unlock cards. This means only a PrintedCardNumber is required.
Your shopping cart must be empty to complete a bulk add money and/or passes.
Once you upload the file you will be able to select money to add to each card. You will also have the ability to add passes. Clicking the checkout button will direct you to the cart. Any money or passes will be added to all cards from the CSV.
Add autoloads
You can either upload a CSV or choose a group to add autoloads. Add autoloads uses the same CSV format as lock cards and unlock cards. This means only a Printed Card Number is required.
If you add an autoload to a pass that already has an autoload, it will be replaced. If one of the cards in your CSV does not have the pass that you select for autoload, it will be ignored.
Remove autoloads
You can either upload a CSV or choose a group to remove autoloads. Remove autoloads uses the same CSV format as lock cards and unlock cards. This means only a Printed Card Number is required.
Suspend autoloads
You can either upload a CSV or choose a group to suspend autoloads. Suspend autoloads uses the same CSV format as lock cards and unlock cards. This means only a PrintedCardNumber is required.
If one of the cards in your CSV does not have an autoload for the pass that you select, it will be ignored.
Remove autoload suspensions
You can either upload a CSV or choose a group to remove autoload suspensions. Remove autoload suspensions uses the same CSV format as lock cards and unlock cards. This means only a PrintedCardNumber is required.
If one of the cards in your CSV does not have a suspended autoload for the pass that you select, it will be ignored.
Add participants to group
The only required field for the CSV is the participant’s Identifier. This means the identifiers in the csv should match the identifiers of existing participants. All participants in the CSV will be assigned to the selected group. If they already are part of a different group, it will be overwritten.
Remove participants from group
The only required field for the CSV is the participant’s Identifier. This means the identifiers in the csv should match the identifiers of existing participants. All participants in the CSV will be assigned from their group. If they are not part of a group, they will be ignored.
Add cards to participants
Each row in CSV should contain the participant's Identifier and the PrintedCardNumber that you want to assign. This will overwrite any existing card assignments.